Join our team and become one of the
People Helping Horses Heal People.
Meet Ali B, one of our Volunteer Coordinators with one of our Thoroughbreds, Dane!
Meet Jessi, one of our Volunteer Coordinators, with one of our Thoroughbreds, Tiz!
Lucky Orphans is always looking for volunteers who want to help make a difference!
Please take a look at the details & volunteer opportunity options below for individuals interested in LOHR. All volunteers must complete the application process detailed below before volunteering.
Please note that you will not be immediately caring for the horses upon signing up, and we understand this can be disappointing if a volunteer has their heart set on working directly with the horses.
Getting Started
1. Pick the area in which you would like to volunteer down below
2. Click on the designated area and follow the associated steps to become a volunteer
3. Get excited about joining the team at Lucky Orphans!
You can volunteer in multiple areas at the farm! Please be sure to specify your interests on your application.
How to become a volunteer
We welcome volunteers of all ages! If you are under 12 years old, you must have a parent with you during shadowing and volunteer shifts.
For questions throughout the process, please email luckyorphansvolunteers@gmail.com
Other ways to help
Check out our Wish List to see if there is anything you can help us out with
Or stay in touch and join our mailing list